歌名:Fall Asleep
作者:Us The Duo
Fall Asleep (入睡)
I'm always worrying through out the day
These trouble and problem never goes away
And at the end of the day I just want to lay my head
On the pillow next to yours inside our bed
I just want to fall asleep
I just want to fall asleep
I just want to fall asleep
Inside your arms
I just want to fall asleep
I just want to fall asleep
I just want to fall asleep
Inside your arms
I'm always worrying when I'm awake
Life is kinda hard with all this give and take
When it's too much to bare and I'm all-alone
I think about lying next to you when I get home
I just want to fall asleep
I just want to fall asleep
I just want to fall asleep
Inside your arms
I just want to fall asleep
I just want to fall asleep
I just want to fall asleep
Inside your arms
We're just lovers we're just lovers
Under the covers under the covers
We got each other each other now
We're just lovers we're just lovers
Under the covers under the covers
We got each other each other now
Woah yeah woah oh yeah
Woah yeah woah oh yeah
I just want to fall asleep
I just want to fall asleep
I just want to fall asleep
Inside your arms
Inside your arms
Inside your arms
Inside your arms
Fall asleep是由组合Us The Duo演唱的一首Pop曲风的小众歌曲,前奏抓耳,歌词治愈,是一首可以循环很久的歌。
关于这个组合,三年前,两名来自不同国家的新兴独唱艺术家随机碰撞,坠入爱河,并将他们的才华结合在一起,组成了Us The Duo。YouTube上几段成功的视频(点击量超过2300万次)鼓励这些词曲作者一起创作自己的音乐,并由此推出了他们的第一张同名专辑《Us》。发行后,迈克尔和卡丽莎结婚了,从那时起他们就一起旅行,一起演奏音乐。这两家公司在过去5个月里迅速获得了曝光。他们发布了第二张专辑《No Matter You Are》,这张专辑在iTunes流行音乐排行榜上排名22,在公告牌热搜榜上排名19。凭借6秒的音乐翻唱和编排,这对组合已经在Vine上名声大噪,拥有超过300万的粉丝。他们的成功吸引了公告牌、好莱坞报道、商业内幕等媒体的关注。
本课主题是关于fall asleep的短语,Fall Asleep这首歌里语言丰富又相对简单,面有多次唱到fall asleep,帮助学生学会用这个短语,也适合作为学生的课外拓展。可以在Lead in部分给学生播放这首歌,有助于学生更快地了解本课,加深他们学习的兴趣。