与get 有关的短语

l  歌名Get Ready for it

l  演唱者Take That(英国天团)

l  歌词原文:(附翻译)

Get ready for it 准备就绪

Get ready for it 准备就绪

You said whatever you put out there 你说过无论你付出什么

Whatever you put out there 无论你付出多少

Is gonna come back 总会有回报

You said whenever you're ready 你说过每当你整装待发

Whenever you are ready 每当你一切就绪

Just let it all out 势必全力以赴

I know cause the enemy inside me 我明白因为我心头千军万马

Cause the enemy inside me 因为我脑中有股力量

holding me back 阻挡我一路前行

But we know that something in the silence

但我们明白 沉默之中必有惊雷

Something in the silence 平静之下必有波澜

Get ready for it 准备就绪

Get ready for it 蓄势待发

You said there's only one place left to find


Together we can save the world tonight


Get ready for it 即刻出发

You said every life is a lesson 你说过人生既是课堂

You are a fool or a king's man 成王抑或败寇

Cause only you know 只有你自己清楚

Hold on cause the volume is rising 坚持不懈 任他何等沉重

Yeah the volume is rising 肩头日益沉重

So you better hold on 你最好坚持下去

The night is young 夜色尚早

Until it's over 直到生命尽头

Until it's over 直到一切终了

The night is young 夜色尚早

The night is ours 你我共享

Until tomorrow 直到天明

Until tomorrow 朝阳初现

Get ready for it 准备就绪

Get ready for it 即刻出发

You said there's only one place left to find


Together we can save the world tonight


Get ready for it 准备就绪

Get ready for it 即刻出发

Get ready for it 一路前行

Get ready for it 绝不回头

The night is young 夜色尚早

Until it's over 直到生命尽头

Until it's over 直到一切终了

The night is young 夜色尚早

The night is ours 你我共享

Until tomorrow 直到天明

Until tomorrow 朝阳初现

Get ready for it 即刻出发

I'll hold your hand 我会紧握你的手

With guard intentions 满怀期待

With guard intentions 满心欢喜

I'll hold your hand 我会紧握你的手

The night is ours 共享良宵

Until it’s over 直到生命尽头

Until it’s over 直到一切终了

You said there's only one place left to find

你说过 即便世上只余一处圣地

Together we can save the world tonight


Get ready for it 准备就绪

Get ready for it 即刻出发

Get ready for it 一路前行

Get ready for it 所向披靡

Get ready for it绝不回头

l  歌曲背景信息:

Get Ready for It是英国天团Take That第七张录音室专辑III里的一首歌曲,同时也为大热电影Kingsman(王牌特工:特工学院)的片尾曲。

该歌曲编曲磅礴,歌词积极向上,富有朝气,同时歌词与电影Kingsman互有联系,是专辑中非常大气的一首歌曲。不少乐评人将这首歌和Take That的另一首电影原声代表作Rule The World相比较,认为如果Get Ready for It能大力宣传并作为单曲的话可以得到比肩Rule The World的成绩。

l  教学建议:

Get Ready for it曲风时尚,歌词寓意积极上升,激人前行,符合初中生奋发向上的精神气貌。同时歌词简单易懂,词组get ready for的复现率很高,适合教师进行知识点的导入。教师可以在lead-in部分播放曲目,询问学生们这首歌哪句歌词印象最为深刻,由此导入词组get ready for,而后再对其用法以及与get 有关词组的拓展学习。

