take 短语take in

歌名:Today Will be Better, I Swear!





When you can't get up to the cold morning light在寒冷的早晨,你难以从床上起身

But you don't get to sleep in, still dreaming 但你不会睡懒觉,依旧在梦中

And everybody only wants to fight 所有人都只想去战斗

You're up against never being right 你总是做得不正确

When the worries of the world hold your feet 当世界的忧愁困住了你的步伐

And there's little left to believe in 不知道还能相信什么


Today, today, it's gonna be a better one 今天,今天,会变得更好

There's nothing more to take in going wrong 不会比昨天更糟糕

Today, today, it's gonna be a better one今天,今天,会变得更好

There's nothing more to take in going wrong不会比昨天更糟糕

There's nothing more to take in going wrong不会比昨天更糟糕


Old, pale memories of someone you knew 关于那个人的回忆,是久远的、痛苦的

Keep crawling through the back of your mind, stealing time 总是萦绕在你的脑中,时间在其间流逝

And in the daylight you're crossing all your wires 在白天,你不被人理解

You never knew just how to put out a fire 你从来不知道如何扑灭火焰

And the closet's been shaken with bones 躲在壁橱中瑟瑟发抖

Little reminders that you're out on your own 意识到自己孤身一人


Today, today, it's gonna be a better one 今天,今天,会变得更好

There's nothing more to take in going wrong不会比昨天更糟糕

Today, today, it's gonna be a better one今天,今天,会变得更好

There's nothing more to take in going wrong不会比昨天更糟糕

There's nothing more to take in going wrong不会比昨天更糟糕


Today, today, keep your head and drive again今天,今天,保持冷静,重新出发

There's nothing more to battle when you go你的路上不会再有斗争

Today, today, it's gonna be a better one今天,今天,会变得更好

There's nothing more to take in going wrong不会比昨天更糟糕

There's nothing more to take in going wrong不会比昨天更糟糕



Stars 是加拿大一支独立流行乐乐队,于2000年成立,共发行了9张专辑和一些迷你专辑,获得了两次朱诺奖的提名和两次北极星音乐奖的提名。Today Will be Better, I Swear!收录于Stars的第四张专辑In Our Bedroom After the War (2007)。对于他们而言,爱情就是一场战争,尤其是现代爱情,因为爱情可能伴随着困惑和焦虑。歌词喻义美好,尽管会有不开心的时候,但是依旧对今天满怀期待,以乐观的心态面对新的一天。是一首节奏缓慢,语言清晰的抒情曲。



    本课的需要学习的词组内容是take相关的短语,Today Will be Better, I Swear!这首歌主要包含了短语take in,总共复现了8次,提供了一个语境来让学生感受take in的内涵,主题积极向上,语言相对比较简单,适合初中生的水平。可以在教学take短语前播放这首歌,让学生注意到多次出现的take in,提问学生如何理解take in的意思,再开展相关的词组教学,以激发学生的兴趣,让课堂变得更生动有趣。

take短语take in.pptx