
歌名:Side by Side

演唱者:Dean Martin


Oh, we ain't got a barrel of money 噢,我们没有一堆钱

Maybe we're ragged and funny也许我们衣衫褴褛又滑稽可笑

But we'll travel along, singing a song 但我们会一路唱着歌

Side by side 并肩而行


Don't know what's coming tomorrow 不知道明天会发生什么

Maybe it's trouble and sorrow 也许是患难愁苦

But we'll travel the road sharin' our load但我们会沿路前进、共担负载

Side by side 并肩而行


Through all kind of weather 经历了各种各样的天气

What if the sky should fall 如果天塌了

As long as we're together 只要我们在一起

It doesn't matter at all 一点也没关系


When they've all had their quarrels and parted 当他们都吵架分手了

We'll be the same as we started 我们将和刚开始一样

Just to travel along singing a song 只一路歌唱

Side by side 并肩而行


When they've all had their quarrels and parted 当他们都吵架分手了

We'll be the same as we started 我们将和刚开始那样

Just to travel along singing a song 只一路歌唱

side by side 并肩而行

side by side 并肩而行


迪恩·马丁(Dean Martin),191767日出生于俄亥俄州(Ohio)的斯丢本村(Steubenville),于19951225日去世,原名为迪诺·克罗切蒂(Dino Crocetti),是知名爵士歌曲《Ain't That A Kick In The Head》的演唱者。《Side by Side》这首歌节奏轻快,表现了一种坚不可摧的感情和乐观的生活态度。


Side by Side》旋律动听,富有节奏感,内容积极向上,用词相对简单,重点知识“side by side”重复次数多,适合作为新授课知识导入部分。可先播放歌曲吸引学生兴趣,再引导组织学生探究里面与by有关短语的用法。
