节假日活动:节日与假日 - When Christmas comes to town
1281 2019-03-09

歌名:When Christmas comes to town

作者:Matthew Hall & Meagan Moore


此歌曲是2004年北美上映的圣诞电影《极地特快》的插曲。歌曲旋律充满童真,给人以温馨感,由美国的两名少年Matthew Hall Meagan Moore倾情演唱,作为最动听的圣诞金曲代表作之一,给人尤其是儿童的印象极为深刻。在影片《极地快车》中,当寻找圣诞老人的火车驶入北极圈,起初相信圣诞老人存在但伤心圣诞老人为什么最终不来而忧伤的小男孩和多才多艺的小女孩站在极地特快车厢的尽头,合唱了这首忧伤的"When Christmas comes to town".


la la la la la la la ....

I'm wishing on a star

And trying to believe

That even though it's far

He'll find me at Christmas Eve

I guess Santa is busy cause he never comes around

I think of him when Christmas comes to town

The best time of the year when everyone comes home

With all this Christmas tear it's hard to be alone

Putting up the Christmas tree

With friends all come around

It's so much fun when Christmas comes to town

Presents for the children wrapped in red and green

All the things I've heard about, but never really see

No one will be sleeping on the night of Christmas Eve

Hoping Santa's on his way

Presents for the children wrapped in red and green

All the things I've heard about, but never really see

No one will be sleeping on the night of Christmas Eve

Hoping Santa's on his way

When Santa's sleigh bells ring

I listen all around the herald angels sing

I never hear a sound and all the dreams of children

Once lies will all be found

That's all I want when Christmas comes to town

That's all I want when Christmas comes to town





节日与假日-When Christmas comes to town.pptx