
1. 歌名Yesterday once more

2. 演唱者Carpenters

3. 歌词原文及翻译:

When I was young 年少时

I'd listen to the radio 我喜欢收听广播

Waiting for my favorite songs等待我喜爱的歌曲

When they played I'd sing along, 一边听来一边唱

It made me smile. 心情多么欢畅

Those were such happy times旧日时光多快乐

And not so long ago 转瞬已消逝

How I wondered where they'd gone. 不知失落在何处

But they're back again 而今它们又重现

Just like a long lost friend 像失散的旧友重逢

All the songs I love so well. 我挚爱的老歌

Every sha la la la 每段旋律

Every wo o wo o每个音符

Still shines. 依旧闪亮

Every shing a ling a ling 每个迷人的音节

That they're starting to sing’s 重新又响起

So fine 感觉多么美妙

When they get to the part 唱到那段往事

Where he's breaking her heart 他把她的心儿揉碎

It can really make me cry 泪水不禁夺眶而出

Just like before. 就像从前那样

It's yesterday once more. 昨日又重现

(Shoobidoo wangdang)

(Shoobidoo wangdang)

Looking back on how it was 回首当年情景

In years gone by 往事历历

And the good times that I had 好时光一去不复

Makes today seem rather sad, 怎不叫人心伤

So much has changed. 一切都已不再

It was songs of love that那一首首情歌

I would sing to them我愿唱给他们听

And I'd memorize each word. 我要记住每一句歌词

Those old melodies 那些熟悉的旋律

Still sound so good to me 依旧打动我的心坎

As they melt the years away 时光阻隔,幻化无踪

Every sha la la la 每段旋律

Every wo o wo o每个音符

Still shines 依旧闪亮

Every shing a ling a ling每个迷人的音节

That they're starting to sing’s重新又响起

So fine感觉多么美妙

All my best memorize 一切最美的回忆

Come back clearly to me 清晰重现眼前

Some can even make me cry 有些甚至叫我落泪

Just like before. 就像从前那样

It's yesterday once more. 昨日又重现

(Shoobidoo wangdang)

Every sha la la la 每段旋律

Every wo o wo o 每个音符

Still shines依旧闪亮

Every shing a ling a ling每个迷人的音节

That they're starting to sing’s重新又响起

So fine感觉多么美妙

Every sha la la la 每段旋律

Every wo o wo o每个音符

Still shines依旧闪亮

Every shing a ling a ling每个迷人的音节

That they're starting to sing’s重新又响起

So fine感觉多么美妙

4. 歌曲背景信息:

Yesterday Once More》是Carpenters演唱的歌曲,始创于1973年。Richard CarpenterJohn Bettis为回应七十年代早期的怀旧风创作了这首歌曲。歌曲曾入围奥斯卡百年金曲。这首夺金单曲在美国和英国两地都取得亚军的成绩。现在这首歌已成为永恒畅销单曲之一。这首歌的节奏总体来说比较缓慢,旋律优美,语言清晰,歌词朗朗上口。

5. 教学建议

这节课讲解的知识点是一般过去时,需要学生理解一般过去时的规则,并学会运用。Yesterday once more这首歌语言丰富又相对简单,旋律优美,适合作为学生的课外拓展。可以在开始这一节课前的Lead in部分给学生播放这首歌,同桌之间讨论这首歌的歌词主要运用了什么时态,并注意其中一些动词的过去式,由此联系到本节课要讲解的一般过去时的规则,有助于学生更快地了解本节课的语法内容,增强他们的学习兴趣。
