
歌名:《I Remember



i remember...(我犹记)

the way you glanced at me, yes i remember


i remember...(我犹记)

when we caught a shooting star, yes i remember


i remember...(我犹记)                                

all the things that we shared,(我们分享的一切)

and the promise we made,(我们许下的诺言)

just you and i(只有你我)

i remember...(我犹记)

all the laughter we shared,(我们交织在一起的欢笑)

all the wishes we made,(我们许下的愿望)

upon the roof at dawn(在黎明的屋顶)

do you remember...?(你还记得吗)

when we were dancing in the rain in that december


and i remember that when my father thought you were a thief


i remember...(我犹记)

all the things that we shared,(我们分享的一切)

and the promise we made,(和我们许下的诺言)

just you and i(只有你我)

i remember...(我犹记)

all the laughter we shared,(我们交织的种种欢笑)

all the wishes we made,(和我们许下的愿望)

upon the roof at dawn(在黎明的屋顶)

i remember...(我犹记)

all the things that we shared,(我们分享的一切)

and the promise we made,(和我们许下的诺言)

just you and i(只有你我)

i remember...(我犹记)

all the laughter we shared,(我们交织的种种欢笑)

all the wishes we made,(和我们许下的愿望)

upon the roof at dawn(在黎明的屋顶)

i remember...(我犹记)

the way you read your books,(你看书时的样子)

yes i remember(是的,深印我心)

the way you tied your shoes,(你系鞋带时的样子)

yes i remember(是的,深印我心)

the cake you loved the most,(那个你最爱的蛋糕)

yes i remember(是的,深印我心)

the way you drank you coffee,(你喝咖啡时的样子)

i remember(是的,深印我心)

the way you glanced at me, yes i remember


when we caught a shooting star,


yes i remember(是的,深印我心)

when we were dancing in the rain in that december


and the way you smile at me,(你对我微笑时的样子)

yes i remember(是的,深印我心)


背景信息: Mocca是印尼独立流行乐团的翘楚,乐队已经成立7年。由一女三男共四位成员组成。核心人物是唯一的女士,她是主唱兼笛子演奏,名叫Arina Ephipania Simangunsong 一共出版了《 Friends 》、《 Untuk Rena 》、《My diary3张唱片。乐队融合多种曲风,如jazzbossanovang等,让你有如亲临60年代的live show,有Mocca的音乐陪伴,世界也变得透明、纯净。该歌曲主要是关于一段甜美爱情的回忆,关于过去的一切搭载美好回忆的物件进行一描述,穿插着平和轻柔的旋律。



本单元语法是定语从句,是一个十分重要的语法点,需要学生通过具体的语境来学习并且掌握相关用法,I Remember内容积极向上,语言又相对简单,适合作为初中学生的课外拓展。可以在开始这一节课的Lead in部分给学生播放这首歌,然后提前设定两个问题,一个可以是,这首歌曲的主要内容是什么,还有歌里面什么让你印象深刻的句子。然后小组讨论并在班级中分享这两个问题的看法,然后抽取第二个问题中的定语从句引入正文。

