定冠词 the


We are the brave, we are the bold                我们百折不挠 勇敢无畏

  We can be anything, anything, anything         我们充满无限可能

  We are the light, we light the dark               我们化身光明 照亮黑暗

  We can do everything, everything, everything      我们无所不能

  So hold on don’t stop                        坚持到底 别止步于此

  There’s so much in you                      你潜力无限

  We are the brave, oh oh                      我们勇敢无畏

  We are the free, oh oh                       我们自由无阻

  We have the power to be stronger if we want it     只要我们有渴望 我们就有能力变强

  You and me.                              你我二人

  This our time, this is our day                 这是我们的时代 是我们的天下了

  We can do anything, anything, anything        我们充满无限可能

  And all our dreams light up the way           我们的梦想照亮前路

  We can have everythingeverything, everything  我们无所不能

  So stand up don’t stop                      所以站起来吧 别停下脚步

  The best is in you                          你就是最好的自己

  We are the brave, oh oh                     我们勇敢无畏

  We are the free, oh oh                      我们自由无阻

  We have the power to be stronger if we want it  只要我们有渴望 我们就有能力变强

  You and me.                             你我二人

  So light up the power in you                 快点燃体内的洪荒之力

  And go for the best in you                   唤醒最棒的自己

  Cause I see a light shine through              因为我看到一束光穿越黑暗而来

  So light up the power in you                 快点燃体内的洪荒之力

  And go for the best in you                   唤醒最棒的自己

  Cause I see a light shine through              因为我看到一束光穿越黑暗而来

  We are the brave, oh oh                     我们勇敢无畏

  We are the free, oh oh                      我们自由无阻

  So light up the power in you                 快点燃体内的洪荒之力

  And go for the best in you                     唤醒最棒的自己

  Cause I see a light shine through              因为我看到一束光穿越黑暗而来

  So light up the power in you                 快点燃体内的洪荒之力

  And go for the best in you                   唤醒最棒的自己

  Cause I see a light shine through              因为我看到一束光穿越黑暗而来

We are the brave, oh oh                     我们勇敢无畏



圣诞节来临之际,澳洲音乐精灵Lenka发布了新单曲《We are the brave》,这是继LENKA10月发布新专辑《ATTUNE》之后创作的一首全新作品。这首歌主题言简意赅,展现了现今年轻人那开放而强大的内心世界和年轻人积极心态的张扬。同时它号召并激励着当下的青年世代,用行动来来追寻心中所要的生活。主题鲜明,节奏适合,语言激昂上进。






定冠词 the.pptx