
1. 歌名:All you need is love

2. 演唱者:Lynden David Hall

3. 歌词:

Love, Love, Love

Love, Love, Love

Love, Love, Love, Love

Love, Love, Love, Love

There's nothing you can do that can't be done 没有你做不到的事

Nothing you can sing that can't be sung  也没有你唱不了的歌

Nothing you can say but you can learn how to play the game 除了说你要学会这个游戏 你什么也不会说

It's easy 这很简单

Nothing you can make that can't be made没有你做不出来的东西

No one you can save that can't be saved 也没有你救不了的人

Nothing you can do but you can learn how to be you in time你什么也不用做 除了学会及时做你自己

It's easy 这很简单

All you need is love 你需要的只是爱

All you need is love 你需要的只是爱

All you need is love, love 你需要的只是爱,去爱

Love is all you need 爱是你全部的需要


All you need is love 你需要的只是爱

All you need is love 你需要的只是爱

All you need is love, love 你需要的只是爱,去爱

Love is all you need 爱是你全部的需要

Nothing you can know that isn't known 你无所不知

Nothing you can see that isn't shown 也没有你看不到的

Nowhere you can be that isn't where you're meant to be 只要你想去 你哪儿都能去

It's easy 这很简单

All you need is love 你需要的只是爱

All you need is love 你需要的只是爱

All you need is love, love 你需要的只是爱,去爱

Love is all you need 爱是你全部的需要

All you need is love 你需要的只是爱

All you need is love 你需要的只是爱

All you need is love, love 你需要的只是爱,去爱

Love is all you need X n 爱是你全部的需要

4. 背景信息:

这首All you need is love虽然是由Lynden David Hall演唱的,但原唱是英国摇滚乐队The beatles,而披头士乐队在《Our World》(第一个全球卫星直播的电视节目)首次表演这一歌曲时,就已经有26个国家,4亿观众收看了。这首歌是一首鼓舞人心的歌,传达着爱是一切的信息,歌词简单却富有意义,节奏和缓,语言清晰,且阳光向上。

5. 教学建议:

All you need is love这首歌节奏和缓且动听,给人震撼与温暖,适合用于课前引导,教师应引导学生注意歌曲的内涵,即爱与被爱都是很简单的,而且爱也会使其他一切事情变得简单,再由此引出歌曲中有被动语态的句子,如There's nothing you can do that can't be done. 这样就能比较自然地引入到对被动语态的讲解当中。

