U10L3-money - price tag


Price Tag


Jessie J

Meaning and background of the song

This song is written and sung by British singer Jessie J. It describes everyone's pursuit of money and brand name, but ignores the true love and true happiness. For singers, singing is joy, dancing is happiness, and this kind of happiness is far more fun than money. Song writer uses the contrast method to satirize those who give up happiness for money. The song is light and clear, and it could be hummed one or two times.

Suggestion on teaching

In teaching, this audio can be placed ten minutes before the beginning of the class. On the one hand, it can arouse interest of students in the classroom content. On the other hand, it can introduce the theme of the text from the main idea of the lyrics and their creative background, killing two birds with one stone.

U10L3-money- price tag.pptx