B6U3-A Healthy Life-Chicken Fat

Background & meaning

The song Chicken Fat is very energetic and casual. It is very similar with the children song with simple rhyme, so it is easy to remember and follow.

It was commissioned as part of the President's Council on Physical Fitness. This song is used in Apple 5s advertisement for the purpose of appealing the teenagers to focus on their health instead of being indulgent in technology nowadays. “Chicken Fat” means also the overweight problem in teenagers. Words in this song is to teach people how to do some exercise to keep fit.

Teaching Tips

It can be used in warming up. The music is very relaxing. Meanwhile through the topic of chicken fat, teacher can invite students to think about some bad habits leading to some health problem. This can be a suitable sample as a beginning for a class.

M6U3-A Healthy Life-Chicken Fat.pptx